Friday, 20 May 2011

New Stuffs

I've been neglecting my blog. sorry. not that anyone reads it... ahem.

I finished my Drops cardigan.

 Made a wind chime for the wind chime swap on craftster

had a cup of tea

 made sophie some new jammies from fabric she requested
made myself a new handbag
 was a terrible parent letting sophie eat crisps and wear dressing up earrings before school
 had my hair cut
 lined a really funky bag with really funky fabric for a 5 year old girlie
 here's the outside of her bag
 got to grips with my new embroidery machine
 and made myself some shorts.
 oh, and finally I captured another fairy.

1 comment:

  1. A crocheted pentagram, Oh My Gods!!! LOL, I've never seen THAT before!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog, I'd love to see the finnished shoes.
    PS, I love the lining of the 'funky bag'!

