Monday, 21 January 2013

Ubiquitous Snow Post

a quite surprising photo taken on my phone. yeah. snow. woo.

Too "White Trash" for gloves. and that hat was borrowed too.

It snowed here in lovely Essex. Don't get me started on how stupid it is that our country grinds to a halt when it snows. Yesterday, I cleared the driveway twice and gritted it, and the steps. then next door's little boy cleared the foot path for me because he's awesome.

My garden in full, white glory.

Today there's been no fresh fall, but it's cold enough so the snow is sticking around. i decided we'd go for a snow picnic, the Child was not so sure but went along with another of Mummy's harebrained schemes.

Cue home made soup, me digging out all of our flasks, hot cocoa and sausages. You see the joy of a snow picnic is cold weather, but hot food.

First off, sort out your flasks. Make sure they are good and hot before doing anything else. boiling water poured in and the lid put on and then left for at least 5mins means your food stays hotter for longer. I use stainless steel flasks because the amount of times I dropped and broke glass ones (losing my lunch and my flask in the process) was hideous.

Yes. You can transport hot sausages in a flask so long as 1. you're not going too far so they're not going to be kept hot for too long, 2. the flask is both very clean and very very hot and 3. you remember to take a skewer to extract the sausages at your destination. I didn't, which made for some amusing times. prepare your flask as above, then dump the water out and attempt to dry it at least a little bit. if you can't face slightly damp sausages, put them in a freezer baggie or some foil, and THEN into the flask.

So, you've heated your flasks and sorted your sausages. good. Not sort your soup. make sure it's hot, bubbling simmer at least. dump the water from your flask and immediately fill it with soup. the same follows for your hot chocolate.

Now, go out. find a nice patch of snow. lay out some blankets (I cut  large bin bag in half so the blankets wouldn't get wet) and enjoy.

Alright. she wasn't keen. She appears to be far more like her daddy than me when it comes to snow.

Now we're home, I would now put our picnic blanket in the wash, but the pipes to the washer froze a few days ago so we don't have a washing machine for the forseeable. Thankfully we have a lovely next door neighbour and a launderette nearby so we're not too hard done by. and the dryer still works thank goodness.  By this time next year I will have a tank in my shed above the washing machine to feed the washing machine. auto filling for most of the year, but able to be manually filled when the cold snaps hit. we never get too cold for too long in the UK thankfully. Yay! Gulf Stream! Woo! Anyway, this tank will also take the grey water from the condenser dryer too, the ultimate recycling. It's thinking like this that keeps our water bills down.

Anyway, my little home schooled darling has written some letters to be posted later, and done 3 whole pages from her maths book. mostly with the help of a bag of skittles to count out.... time for me to scoot. let's see if I can try and fix the sewing machine again.......?!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Come on down!!!

uuuurgh!!! Caffeine comedown is a biiiiitch.

I am trying to get off caffeine and reduce my intake of refined sugars etc, basically trying to go low GI as much as possible, with the exception of the occasional trip out I think. Apparently this will help me lose weight because my thyroid is futzed and despite thyroid meds, I am still fat and tired with crap hair, nails and skin.

I also realised just after Christmas that I was going through a litre to a litre and a half of Pepsi Max per day. her, at least it was sugar free!!! I've been trying to get myself down, and today is my first day with nothing.

I'm following advice from a thyroid diet book, and it's soooo hard.

my head is painful, i feel tired and i am craving fat, refined carbs and sugar. If someone could give me a jam doughnut where the jam is actually that concentrated syrup you get for coke machines, I would probably be in hog's heaven.

Speaking of hogs, I managed to get a massive roast dinner for the three of us out of a pork hock yesterday, and still have enough left over fr another dinner too. My portion was trimmed of all fat and tiny, served with a mound of veg, some slightly softened apple chunks and a couple of slices of potato.

I am unsure whether or not this is the comedown from refined carbs, sugar in general, caffeine or aspartame but I.... urgh.

Oh well, at least my kitchen is clean. I scrubbed and scrubbed today to get my mind of everything else.

My embroidery machine is kaput I think. I thought I'd fixed it, but no. the computer screen still wont recognise clicks in the bottom third, and the stitches are still misaligned. humpf. Can't afford to get it fixed anywhere I've had quotes from either :(

Well, that's all from my depressing mind today. hopefully  I'll be less depressing next time.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Oh God. Meme Bandwagon!!!

Who Am I Really?

“You sort of starting feeling like a more serious blogger that proud day when a brilliant, inspiring blogger tags you into a meme.” Yep, this is exactly how I felt when the lovely Jac at tagged me in hers!
And who am I to ignore a lovely little bandwaggon?!

So, back to the meme. The rules are really simple:

- Post five random facts about yourself.

- Choose five deserving blogs with less than 200 followers to nominate and link into your post.

- Tell your nominees that they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

- Answer the five questions the tagger (in my case, Jac) has asked.

- Ask five questions of your chosen nominees.

- No tag-backs.

So, here goes:

Five Random Facts About Me

1. I was once heckled by a comedian. I know, audience members aren't normally heckled by the comedian they're watching, but Norman Lovett took a liking to my boobs for some reason.
2. I have an utter confusion with tomatoes and oranges. I KNOW which to eat in pasta and which to eat in fruit salad, but for some reason if I was told to pick up a tomato, I would go for an orange. And I think the husband has finally got used to bringing me tomatoes if I ask for oranges from the fridge...the thing is, I can't even blame it on oxygen deprivation brain damage sustained at the age of 23 as this is a problem I've had a lot longer than the damage!
3. I hate omelettes  Can't stand them. Eurgh. I can also only eat scrambled egg if I've made it, because otherwise it tastes of omelettes  Weirder still, I am willing to cook omelettes for my family and have been told I make a damned fine one.
4. I survived AFE. 

5. once I get cold, I can't warm myself again. I often end up needing a sleep to reset my brain. The GP doesn't believe me. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a hypochondriac.

 Jac's five questions

  1. What, if anything, have you done that you have later regretted?
    Met someone on a dating website and invited them back to my place for a weekend of debauchery. 1. get a photo first. 2. this is an incredibly stupid thing to do you dumb dumb 18 year old stupid dumb cow. 
  1. What do you consider to be your worst habit?
    Ignoring housework in favour of anything else. Crafting, shopping, going for a walk etc.
  1. What is your favourite thing to do to relax?
    Hmmmmm...... probably knitting.
  1. If you could travel back in time and spend a year living in another time, what era would you choose and why?
    I'm not sure, a year is a long time and without things like modern medicine and high speed broadband, I'm not sure how I'd get on.... but IF I could have modern medicine if needed and be able to use the net from my own time, then possibly a late 18th century farm. I've recently read The Garden Cottage Diaries by Fiona J. Houston, a woman who decided to try living as a 1790s crofter. Even she ended up dropping her “live in the time” principles when she go an infection. Penicillin FTW.
  1. Post up one picture that you feel defines your 2012

    This is a photo of an incredibly unassuming, south essex terraced house. Why this? Well it's MY home and I am incredibly happy here... My review of 2012 should give you an idea :D

My five nominees

I'm not too sure if this one counts as he's got a massive facebook following, but there's less than 100 blog followers so.. yeah., awesome blog about school lunches. perhaps I should start sending in photos of sophie's lunches. do home schooled kids count?! nah. probably not. I have known Bob for a great many years now, and she never fails to raise a giggle from me. a truly inspiring woman who is a true and loyal friend :D and she's hillarious. seriously, fricking hillarious. this is the blog for my all time, favorite fabric shop. a lovely place, friendly knowledgable staff and an amazing stock collection. if you're ever in Colchester, check it out. Melanie is a fellow survivor, and that itself deserves respect lol. I also know Lisa in real life too, my goodness! two bloggers I actually know in the real world?! I'm almost a people person!!! Lisa is an amazing crafting mummy with a gorgeous little boy called Monkeybum. her crafts are amazing!! 

My Five Questions
1. What is your absolute favourite thing to do?
2. If you ruled the world, what would be the first thing you'd outlaw?
3. do you have any strange collections?
4. If you have facebook, what approximate proportion of your friends do you know in real life?!
5. Post up one picture that you feel defines your 2012
